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Investor 2024: patrik55

5.523,05 €
Gesamtwert mit Cash:
122.549,71 € (16.05.24 23:46)


04.05.24 Marihuana auf dem Vormarsch – TerrAscend, Aurora Cannabis und AbbVie
Atai Life Sciences NV
20.04.24 SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Gritstone Oncology
12.04.24 SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Gritstone Oncology
04.04.24 SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Gritstone Oncology
01.04.24 Thinking about buying stock in Akebia Therapeutics, Mind Medicine, ATAI Life Sciences, Doma Holdings, or Iterum Therapeutics?
Atai Life Sciences NV
26.03.24 Thinking about buying stock in Cardiff Oncology, BIOLASE, Akebia Therapeutics, Astera Labs, or Atossa Therapeutics?
Cardiff Oncology
23.03.24 Cannabismarkt emanzipiert sich – TerrAscend, Aurora Cannabis und AbbVie
Atai Life Sciences NV
19.03.24 SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Gritstone Oncology
15.03.24 Thinking about buying stock in Mind Medicine, Ocean Biomedical, Archer Aviation, Outlook Therapeutics, or Cardiff Oncology?
Cardiff Oncology
14.03.24 Thinking about buying stock in SoundHound AI, Kinross Gold, Nu Holdings, Cardiff Oncology, or Turtle Beach?
Cardiff Oncology
13.03.24 Thinking about buying stock in ShiftPixy, Minim, Cardiff Oncology, Laird Superfood, or Tenon Medical?
Cardiff Oncology
13.03.24 Thinking about buying stock in Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Cassava Sciences, Clearside Biomedical, Lantern Pharma, or ATAI Life Sciences?
Atai Life Sciences NV
11.03.24 Thinking about buying stock in Recursion Pharmaceuticals, SoundHound AI, Cardiff Oncology, Mind Medicine, or Auddia?
Cardiff Oncology
10.03.24 Cannabismarkt weltweit im Wandel – TerrAscend, Aurora Cannabis und AbbVie
Atai Life Sciences NV
08.03.24 Thinking about buying stock in SoundHound AI, Gulf Island Fabrication, Macy's, Rigetti Computing, or Cardiff Oncology?
Cardiff Oncology
04.03.24 SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Gritstone Oncology
04.03.24 BB Biotech: 4,23 Prozent Ausschüttung, positive Aussichten und attraktiv bewertet
Mersana Therapeutics Inc
09.02.24 Thinking about buying stock in TOP Financial Group, Macy's, MicroCloud Hologram, Cellectar Biosciences, or New York Community Bancorp?
Cellectar New22
08.02.24 Thinking about buying stock in Plug Power, Confluent, Cellectar Biosciences, Bakkt Holdings, or Digital Turbine?
Cellectar New22
07.02.24 Thinking about buying stock in Cellectar Biosciences, elf Beauty, Glatfelter, Solidion Technology, or Spectral AI?
Cellectar New22
30.01.24 Thinking about buying stock in Kura Oncology, Akebia Therapeutics, American Airlines, Evaxion Biotech, or Minim?
Kura Oncology
26.01.24 Thinking about buying stock in Cipher Mining, SoundHound AI, Cellectar Biosciences, Bitdeer Technologies, or Aptose Biosciences?
Cellectar New22
25.01.24 Thinking about buying stock in Petros Pharmaceuticals, Xpeng Inc, Nukkleus, Cellectar Biosciences, or bluebird bio?
Cellectar New22
24.01.24 Thinking about buying stock in Kura Oncology, UiPath, C3.ai, Crowdstrike, or RedHill Biopharma?
Kura Oncology
23.01.24 Thinking about buying stock in QuantaSing, Macy's, Cellectar Biosciences, Schlumberger, or TKO Group?
Cellectar New22
17.01.24 Cardiff Oncology Announces Publication of Data from Phase 1b study in second-line KRAS-mutated mCRC in Clinical Cancer Research
Cardiff Oncology
15.01.24 Söllners Hot Stock Report: "Sensation" Nvidia, Apple-Car?! Bitcoin-Wende! Musk kifft? BYD, Nio, Tesla, Siemens, Sony
Atai Life Sciences NV
10.01.24 Thinking about buying stock in Clearmind Medicine, Bitfarms, Safety Shot, Cellectar Biosciences, or Amarin Corporation?
Cellectar New22
08.01.24 Thinking about buying stock in Cellectar Biosciences, Shattuck Labs, Applied Optoelectronics, Bit Digital, or Podcastone?
Cellectar New22
20.11.23 Cardiff Oncology to Present at the 35th Annual Piper Sandler Healthcare Conference
Cardiff Oncology
Atai Life Sciences NV
Marihuana auf dem Vormarsch – TerrAscend, Aurora Cannabis und AbbVie
Gritstone Oncology
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Gritstone Oncology
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Gritstone Oncology
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Atai Life Sciences NV
Thinking about buying stock in Akebia Therapeutics, Mind Medicine, ATAI Life Sciences, Doma Holdings, or Iterum Therapeutics?
Cardiff Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in Cardiff Oncology, BIOLASE, Akebia Therapeutics, Astera Labs, or Atossa Therapeutics?
Atai Life Sciences NV
Cannabismarkt emanzipiert sich – TerrAscend, Aurora Cannabis und AbbVie
Gritstone Oncology
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Cardiff Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in Mind Medicine, Ocean Biomedical, Archer Aviation, Outlook Therapeutics, or Cardiff Oncology?
Cardiff Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in SoundHound AI, Kinross Gold, Nu Holdings, Cardiff Oncology, or Turtle Beach?
Cardiff Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in ShiftPixy, Minim, Cardiff Oncology, Laird Superfood, or Tenon Medical?
Atai Life Sciences NV
Thinking about buying stock in Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Cassava Sciences, Clearside Biomedical, Lantern Pharma, or ATAI Life Sciences?
Cardiff Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in Recursion Pharmaceuticals, SoundHound AI, Cardiff Oncology, Mind Medicine, or Auddia?
Atai Life Sciences NV
Cannabismarkt weltweit im Wandel – TerrAscend, Aurora Cannabis und AbbVie
Cardiff Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in SoundHound AI, Gulf Island Fabrication, Macy's, Rigetti Computing, or Cardiff Oncology?
Gritstone Oncology
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims On Behalf of Investors of Gritstone bio, Inc. - GRTS
Mersana Therapeutics Inc
BB Biotech: 4,23 Prozent Ausschüttung, positive Aussichten und attraktiv bewertet
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in TOP Financial Group, Macy's, MicroCloud Hologram, Cellectar Biosciences, or New York Community Bancorp?
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in Plug Power, Confluent, Cellectar Biosciences, Bakkt Holdings, or Digital Turbine?
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in Cellectar Biosciences, elf Beauty, Glatfelter, Solidion Technology, or Spectral AI?
Kura Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in Kura Oncology, Akebia Therapeutics, American Airlines, Evaxion Biotech, or Minim?
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in Cipher Mining, SoundHound AI, Cellectar Biosciences, Bitdeer Technologies, or Aptose Biosciences?
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in Petros Pharmaceuticals, Xpeng Inc, Nukkleus, Cellectar Biosciences, or bluebird bio?
Kura Oncology
Thinking about buying stock in Kura Oncology, UiPath, C3.ai, Crowdstrike, or RedHill Biopharma?
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in QuantaSing, Macy's, Cellectar Biosciences, Schlumberger, or TKO Group?
Cardiff Oncology
Cardiff Oncology Announces Publication of Data from Phase 1b study in second-line KRAS-mutated mCRC in Clinical Cancer Research
Atai Life Sciences NV
Söllners Hot Stock Report: "Sensation" Nvidia, Apple-Car?! Bitcoin-Wende! Musk kifft? BYD, Nio, Tesla, Siemens, Sony
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in Clearmind Medicine, Bitfarms, Safety Shot, Cellectar Biosciences, or Amarin Corporation?
Cellectar New22
Thinking about buying stock in Cellectar Biosciences, Shattuck Labs, Applied Optoelectronics, Bit Digital, or Podcastone?
Cardiff Oncology
Cardiff Oncology to Present at the 35th Annual Piper Sandler Healthcare Conference
Musterdepot - © Ismagilov / Shutterstock

Das kostenlose Musterdepot von ARIVA.DE

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Viele Nutzer bauen auf ARIVA.DE im Musterdepot ihr reales Depot nach, das ein Broker für sie führt. Grund: Beim Musterdepot auf ARIVA.DE ist jede Position mit den zugehörigen News, dem Forum und der Profilseite verlinkt. Über die Aktien auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, ist durch das Musterdepot sehr einfach. Möglich ist es auf ARIVA.DE auch, interessante Wertpapiere in eine Watchlist aufzunehmen, um ihre Entwicklung im Auge zu behalten. Nutzer können dabei Kursgrenzen vorgeben und sich bei Erreichen benachrichtigen lassen.

Übrigens: Wer ein virtuelles Musterdepot im Rahmen eines der Börsenspiele von ARIVA.DE eröffnet, hat einen weiteren Lerneffekt: Beim Börsenspiel wird ein Budget vorgegeben, und für jede Transaktion fallen virtuelle Gebühren an. Das macht den „Scheinhandel“ noch realistischer.